Everyone else is doing it...You're not cool if you don't do it. I won't be your friend anymore if you don't. The fun list of cliches goes on, yet they still seem so persuasive. So
apparently blogs are the newest cool way to stay in touch and with a little one on the way we have succumbed to blogging. It works well since we are currently on the other side of the country from most of the people we care about (we love our Belmont ward family too though!). We figure this way we can let everyone know what we're up to and how our family is doing. Below is a collage of photos of what we've been up to out here. Please forgive any repeats of the photos in future posts. They are mostly from stuff we do with our friends the Bunkers including our trip to New York City, Sharon Vermont and our girlie date night. Their little girl Avery is in a lot of the pictures. I think Christmas and a few other things are in there. Also, our first dip into the blogging waters reporting our most recent adventure to St. George is included. This is my first blog and I'm sure you'll be able to distinguish between
EmmaLee's postings and mine.