Then the following day with the plastic surgeon to get one last look. While we were there the nurse mentioned that they were going to have Dr. Meara look at his head because they had noticed some flattening (I'm guessing at the pre-op appointment). He came in and looked at his head for all of like three seconds and told me that Ezra would need a helmet because he had "pretty severe" plagiocephaly (from sleeping with his head turned to one side...common since the "back to sleep" campaign), but that it was up to us because it really is just an aesthetic thing (his brain is fine regardless of his head shape).
AHHH! I was freaking out, my son is finally going to look normal and you want him to wear a huge helmet 23 hours a day for the next three months!!! I had already been talking to his pediatrician for the last two months about it and she said that it would be much less noticeable by the time he was a year and that we didn't need to worry about it. (On a side note one good thing did come of the appointment...they said that he won't need to wear the arm splints that would keep him from touching his face!) So they wrote me out a prescription and told me to stop by the NAPCO office and see if our insurance would cover it because it costs "in the thousands". NAPCO informed me that Aetna usually doesn't cover it because they consider it to be cosmetic, but that MassHealth (our secondary) usually does. I made an appointment for the next day (third trip to Children's in 3 days) to get measurements taken of his head for them to send to MassHealth so that they could decide if it was medically necessary. I came home on the verge of tears (how much does Ezra need to go through?) and wrote an email to his pediatrician and started researching plagiocephaly. I had calmed down by that night and his pediatrician called me when she got the email (she is an amazing doctor). We talked it over and came to the conclusion that we did not need to do the whole helmet thing. We are going with aggressive repositioning instead, its much less cruel and much less expensive. He sleeps with a blanket rolled under his sheet so that he will lay on the other side, I try to give him more tummy time, and I am looking into getting him an exersaucer to further keep him off his back as much as possible. SIGH... so after a long week we are looking forward to getting another surgery under our belt and getting used to Ezra's new little smile. On a happier note Ezra experienced 60 degree weather for the first time in his life yesterday, and we had a bunch of little friends over to dye Easter eggs today. Pretty good ending to a pretty crummy week!
I don't know if you remember my baby Adam (he's turning 6 this year!!), but his head was very oddly shaped for the same reasons. He looks fine now and never wore the helmet. Longer/thicker hair does helps a lot when they get older, too.
Ugh, I wouldn't want a helmet either. I would've been teary-eyed as well. What a handsome little boy you have!
Sounds like an overwhelming time! You sound like such a great mom and Ezra is lucky to have someone who takes such good care of him!
Crazy!! I'm glad he doesn't have to wear the doesn't sound like much fun. Instead of an exersaucer have you thought about a jumperoo? We just bought one for Ava because she loves to stand and bounce on our laps. They are pretty cool and the one we got has a lot of fun toys and the seat rotates 360 degrees. Anyway, we will continue to keep you in our prayers and look forward to July. Give Ezra hugs and kisses for us...XOXO!
Aahh, tough days! The beauty of it though is at the end of the day no matter how stressed you are, Ezra is probably just bundled up cozy being snuggled and loved by his mommy and daddy. Ah, to be a baby again :) I can't wait to meet the little guy!!!
You have a sweet angel Em! I hope you have fun with Mom and Jamie and I am extrememly jealous that I could not come but you win some you lose some. Remember Chelsey, my friend from high school, you should check out her blog from mine under Chelsey and Alan. She just had her baby 3 months early AWW... I am so blessed to have the healthy, thriving angel that I do and to think I am worried about a stuffy nose... ;)
Sawyer had to sleep with a blanket under one side too. His head rounded back up pretty quickly. I am sorry for all the stress. Poor is just one thing after another.
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