Thursday, June 17, 2010

Progress Report

Ezra had his 18 month check up a couple of weeks ago and he is doing so well. He is officially off the charts for height at just under 35 inches, and is in the 10th percentile for weight at a whopping 22 pounds. He has over 50 words and over 20 signs.
If I set out my cutting mat he will play with his train set on it for a long time.

He is learning some colors but mostly only points out and says green and blue, but can match all his colors. Every time we come to a stop light he says "stop, go" and as soon as the light changes to green he yells "green, go". It is pretty funny! He knows most of his shapes but only really says star, heart, and circle.
Ezra loves to sing and is pretty good with The Wheels on the Bus. Often when music comes on he cannot contain himself and just has to dance. He is a pretty good eater, and has started liking a lot of green vegetables again. He loves cheese, and would eat enough for ten people if I let him.
I bought this really soft fabric to make some stuffed 
animals and Ezra has been obsessed with it.

Ezra spent pretty much the entire two hours of Nursery crying this week. He did better his first time, but we have church right during Ezra's nap time and I he was really tired this week. Hopefully next week will be better.
Ezra also had his re-eval for his physical therapy last week. He did great and no longer qualifies for physical therapy. He needed to have a three month delay in one of the areas to continue getting Early Intervention, but scored above his age in every area. His lowest score was 21 months, and his highest was 27 months, so I think he is doing incredibly well. We will get to see Chrissy two more times, and then no more physical therapy. Ezra really likes her. Every time the doorbell rings he says "cookie" (which is how he says her name) over and over and runs for the door.
He would make a pretty good little shepherd.
Although he would be more likely to scatter the flock than herd them.

Our one bit of bad news, was that our doctor told us she would be quitting her job at Boston Medical. She commutes two hours in, and has another practice closer to home. She said she was starting to fall asleep on the commute, and that it was just too hard on her. I totally understand her reasoning, but am devastated. We really do have the BEST doctor in the world. Bob and I were even plotting to get her to move to Gridley with us. I was already having a hard time knowing that we weren't going to have her when we moved, but now we only have a few months left with her. Bob said we should just commute to her other practice, and I think it would be worth it, she is that great. It has been so nice for Ezra and I to have the same doctor. I'm really going to miss her!


Melenie said...

What a tall boy!! He's the next Shaun Bradley.

Crystal said...

He is almost as tall as Sawyer (36")! (Granted Sawyer is kinda a shorty...) I am so glad Ezra is doing so well!

Anne said...

He will fit in well with Dave's kids when you head out to Gridley! Wish we could be there to hear all of his words. We loved the earlier video of him talking.

Lisa said...

WOW!! I'm so impresses with Ezra's skills. He is so smart and such an amazing little boy. I wish we were closer so he could teach Ava a few things. Ava definitely has a lot of work to catch up to his vocabulary. I think the only thing Ava scores higher on his her weight. We will have to see what she weighs in at her 18 month check up in July.

I feel for you and church. Our meetings are during Ava's nap too. It always makes for an interesting time. Rich is usually the one that has to deal with it since I'm in YW. We are looking forward to Ava going to nursery in a few weeks. Rich has been taking her in already for a little bit each Sunday to let her get use to it.

Charmayne said...

So smart and handsome too!!! Part of it has to do with his Mommy teaching him so much I am sure!!!

Kalia said...

It's soooo nice to hear that Ezra is doing good! When will you guys be moving to Gridley?