Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ezra in Motion

We just wanted to share a few videos and pictures of Ezra and what he has been up to lately. He loves to have us help him walk and has a major melt-down when we make him stop. He is scooting all around the house and crawled on his hands and knees for the first time yesterday (He did better than it looks in the video). He still prefers the inchworm method though. He likes to pretend to pick things up off the floor so that Bob and I will pull his hand away from his mouth. He thinks he is so hilarious. When he really just wants our reaction he will hit himself in the eye or just hold his hand in the air, because he is so intent on watching us that he doesn't pay too much attention to actually getting his hand in his mouth. He really enjoys flipping through my cookbooks too. I think it is because they are spiral bound and easier to keep open, but they still have little pages. He waves, but I have a hard time getting him to do it in front of strangers. He likes to ride on your shoulders, but will pull your hair and beat on your head endlessly! He has started watching Signing Time videos and gets really excited about them. He has yet to do a sign but he moves his hands around a lot and occasionally pauses and looks at his hands like he is trying how to make his hands do what they are doing. It is totally adorable. He is such a smart little boy! Annie also got Ezra to do the Little Rascal wave while she was here, but I couldn't get him to do it on camera. And last but not least he really enjoys making sounds by moving his hand back and forth across his mouth. He is such a funny kid, we laugh at him all day long. I don't know how we ever got by without him!


Steve and Sherrie said...

He's as adorable as ever! I love the story about pretending to pick things up off the floor--what a smartie and what a great sense of humor. An unusually developed sense of humor is a sign of a gifted child. Give him a squeeze for us. We are really looking forward to seeing you guys in December.

Charmayne said...

He is growing and changing so much. Thanks for the posting the videos! They are so fun for us to watch. Doug and I keep talking about wanting to visit you guys before you leave Boston. Maybe next year~who know's.

Crystal said...

Too much fun! Way to go Ezra. I think it is funny he likes to tease you. Cute kid!

Lisa said...

Awesome! Ezra is such a good walker. I'm impressed with how high he lifts his legs and how fast he won't be long before he is running on his own. I think his inch worm crawl is pretty cute. Thanks for posting the videos it is great to see Ezra in action.

DaynaDouble said...

I love all the "Ezra in motion" videos. I will have to post all the things Jett can do. We can't let cousin Ez show him up just because his mommy is a slacker and not posting them ;) Thanks for the diaper/wipe holder it will be great. I also wanted to try the CostCo diapers before I bought a whole case so that worked out too! I miss that little Ez :(

cami said...

what a cutie!!!

Kalia said...

Emm! Ezra is such a cutie! I love the videos. I can't wait for Nenji and Ezra to meet! Nenji was watching the videos of Ezra and smiling the whole time! I hope all is well. :)